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Derby Shoes

Men derby shoes
Derby shoes – a must have for the modern man

Derby shoes are a classic comfortable style of menswear. The origin of the name “Derby” remains unclear. It`s considered that probably refers to an English Earl of Derby (lived at the end of the 19th century) for whom was designed the first pair of style shoes. People often don`t distinguish the Derby pairs from Oxfords. The main difference between these designs is the lacing system. Derbies have open lacing system so they look slightly more relaxed and casual while Oxfords have closed lacing which makes them more formal looking.

Types of Derby shoes

Classic Derbies. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” as Leonardo da Vinci said. You`ll never make a mistake if you choose mono-colored leather Derbies as the endpoint of your outfit. The classic colors of this style are dark brown and black.

Chunky Derbies. As sneakers are a trend now, designers began making dress shoes with chunky soles. Some designs have thick soles with exaggerated proportions which creates a rebellious feel. These shoes are a good option for everyday use. Chunky Derby styles can be paired perfectly with jeans or chinos.

Suede derbies. Designs made from suede are the ultimate shoes for casual outfits. Derbies are core comfortable than Oxfords because of the open lacing. That makes them ideal for active walking every day. Jeans and a T-shirt, trousers, and cardigan, striped shirt are some of the best mates of casual style derbies.

Derby Brogues. They are a less formal version of Derbies too. You can meet them in all brown nuances, black, and navy blue. There are models in two color tones. They are known as Spectator shoes. Spectator Derbies have many contrasting variations – black/white, brown/white, navy/gray, black/beige. No matter the color or whether they are semi-brogues or full brogues, Derby designs can be worn from sunrise till sunset. They are a versatile type of shoe which belongs in every man`s shoe collection.

Girotti`s custom design option

If you can`t decide which shoe style to purchase, you can edit your own masterpiece pair with Girotti`s 3D shoe editor. You can choose between a variety of materials (patent leather, suede, soft leather), colors, soles. Girotti offers you inscription and some extra details to make your unique personalized Derby shoes. You can easily design the perfect shoes for different occasions – weddings, business meetings, holiday trips. You can surprise you a friend custom made shoes too. This is definitely an original way to make someone happy!
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